[call_two href=”#” colortext=”#383838″ label_button=”Enjoy Now”]- 50% OFF TODAY[/call_two]
[box_title font_size=”15″]SHORTCODE ATTRIBUTES[/box_title]
- href: url of the link
- color test: color of content
- font size: font-size of content
- label: label of the button
- label-size: font size of button
- class: css class of the container
- animate: animate effect
- animation delay: the delay to which the animation starts
[newsletter_cta title=”SIGN UP TO OUR NEWSLETTER” title_size=”22″ title_color=”#ffffff” incipit=”AND SAVE 25% OFF” incipit_size=”22″ incipit_color=”#ffffff” post_name=”cta-newsletter” button_class=”btn btn-alternative”]
[box_title font_size=”15″]SHORTCODE ATTRIBUTES[/box_title]
- title: title of the newsletter form
- title size: font size for title of the newsletter form
- title color: color for title of the newsletter form
- incipit: subtitle of the newsletter form
- incipit size: font size for subtitle of the newsletter form
- incipit color: color for subtitle of the newsletter form
- newsletter form: newsletter form selected
- icon form: awesome icon inside the email input